arrogant/ conceit/ diffidence/ fanfare/ flaunt/ grandiose/ haughty/ inconspicuous/ insolent/ obtrusive/ ostentatious/ overweening/ plume/ pomp/ pompous/ presumptuous/ pretentious/ self-effacing/ self-importance/ supercilious/ unassuming/ unobtrusive/ vaulting/ vaunt
1. 「傲慢的」、「驕傲自大的」可用arrogant、insolent、pompous、presumptuous、supercilious、haughty(正式)、overweening(正式)或vaulting(文言):
•The ex-president warned America against becoming arrogant.
•His insolent manner indicated his lack of education.
•Be a little modest; don't be a pompous old fool.
•The railway guard was a pompous little official, who thought he controlled the whole railway system himself.
•In such a prestigious company, his demand for attention was utterly presumptuous.
•Some supercilious people look upon the television receiver as an idiot box.
•We are disgusted with his being so haughty; he is no better than we are.
•The general dismissed the messenger in a haughty manner.
•Overweening ambition often leads to a downfall.
•Everybody present was awfully offended by his overweening pride.
•Macbeth's vaulting ambition led to his downfall.
2. 「驕傲自大」可用名詞conceit與self-importance或動詞plume,至於「過度自信」、「自負」的相反詞「缺乏自信」則用diffidence:
•His constant boasting is an indication of conceit.
•The teacher admonished Bill for his self-importance.
•She plumes herself on the fact that she was educated in America.
•A salesperson must overcome his diffidence.
3. 「招搖的」、「高調的」、「浮誇的」可用grandiose、obtrusive、ostentatious或pretentious:
•With a grandiose movement, he pointed out all the land that belonged to him.
•His grandiose manner impressed those who met him for the first time.
•We found him a very obtrusive person, constantly seeking the center of the stage.
•A real hero is never ostentatious.
•He's so pretentious that few people like him.
•I don't feel that your limited resources will permit you to carry out such a pretentious program.
•That's a pretentious name for a dog.
•It was just an ordinary house--nothing pretentious.
4. 「炫耀」可用動詞flaunt或vaunt,「排場」可用fanfare或pomp:
•I dislike her because she flaunts her charms too much and too frequently.
•She is not one of those actresses who flaunt their physical charm; she can act.
•The boy flaunted the excellent report before his delighted parents.
•The athlete proudly vaunted his strength.
•Their marriage was announced without fanfare.
•The family moved to the country to get away from the empty pomp and show of the city.
5. 「謙恭的」可用self-effacing或unassuming;「低調的」、「不愛出風頭的」 可用inconspicuous或unobtrusive:
•The teacher was highly self-effacing when asked about her students' good exam performances, giving credit to the students themselves.
•Despite his wealth and position, he has an unassuming personality.
•At parties, she always sits in a corner and tries to look inconspicuous.
•The monk is leading an unobtrusive life of self-control.