

construe/ distort/ elaborate/ elucidate/ explicate/ expound/ implausible/ inexplicable/ justifiable/ justify/ misconstrue/ plausible

1. 在較正式的文句中,「解釋」、「說明」可用elucidateexplicate expound

We cannot understand why you did this. Please elucidate the reasons for your action.

He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article.

The scholar was quite able to elucidate his theory so that even a schoolboy could understand it.

No one could explicate the mystery.

We would like him to expound his theory.

2. 「詳細解釋」用elaborate,根據個人立場所作的解釋叫construe,「錯解」叫misconstrue,「曲解」叫distort

Just tell us the details and don't elaborate (on them).

You can construe what he said in a number of different ways.

If I construe your remarks correctly, you disagree with the theory already advanced.

Do not construe my statement to your own advantage.

People's shyness is often misconstrued as rudeness.

Stop distorting what I've said.

He gave a distorted account of what had happened.

The event was distorted by newspaper accounts.

3. 事情等「無法解釋的」叫inexplicable,提出理由對不當行為等做解釋叫justify,假如所提的理由是「說得過去的」則用justifiable

Human behavior is more often than not inexplicable.

How can you justify your rude behavior?

She thought her absence was justifiable because she was sick.

4. 形容解釋看似合理、其實可能不然用plausible,它的相反詞implausible則是這種不合理的強調,表示解釋毫無說服力:

Your excuse is plausible; I'll think it over.

His explanation sounds plausible, but I'm not sure I believe it.

His implausible explanation was not accepted.

    創作者 五月助理 的頭像


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