archaic/ bilingual/ bombastic/ browse/ buzzword/ collaborate/ connotation/ denotation/ equivocal/ homonym/ hyperbole/ illegible/ indelible/ intelligible/ jargon/ legible/ lexicon/ metaphor/ parlance/ philology/ polyglot/ peruse/ scan/ scrawl/ scribble/ skim/ vernacular/ vigorous
1. 指語言文字「強而有力的」用vigorous,「明白易懂的」用intelligible,「模稜兩可的」用equivocal:
•Hemingway's writing is known for its vigorous style.
•The politician made a vigorous speech in defense of the government.
•He was so excited when he spoke that he was hardly intelligible.
•Macbeth was misled by the equivocal statements of the witches.
2. 說話、文章「唱高調的」、「浮誇的」用bombastic,修辭學中的「誇張法」叫hyperbole:
•This is a bombastic speech inflated with meaningless high-flown words.
•This is an example of hyperbole: "There are a million objections to the project."
3. 「用語」、「說法」、「腔調」叫parlance(正式),特定一群人或某一行業所慣用的、圈外人不易懂的「專業術語」叫jargon(常含貶意),本屬於專業領域、 因媒體廣為使用而普遍的「流行話」叫buzzword。另外,指用語「過時的」、「不再使用的」用archaic:
•In both Chinese and Arabian parlance, "no" often means "yes."
•In naval parlance, a floor is a "deck."
•We simply could not understand the jargon the doctor spoke.
•"Globalization" is a new buzzword in economics.
•There are many archaic expressions in this long poem.
•The scholar prefers using archaic words.
4. 一個字的「表面意義」叫denotation,它的「言外之意」叫connotation, 但denotation明顯少用。此外,像「落湯雞」等這樣的「隱喻」叫metaphor:
•The denotation of the word "red" is a blood-like or fire-like color, and "danger" is one of its connotations.
•It is not enough to interpret a poem on the basis of the denotation of words.
•The bad connotations of the word "skinny" are quite different from the good connotations of the word "slim."
•Foreigners frequently are unaware of the connotations of the words they use.
•Many of the expressions we use in our daily life are metaphors, such as in the phrase "evening of life."
•He speaks several vernaculars.
•Having lived in France for a long time Cindy had got used to speaking French, but when she returned home to Spain she soon lapsed into the vernacular.
•The vernaculars of most indigenous tribes in the world have never been written down.
6. 「能說兩種語言的」或具有這種能力的人叫bilingual,如果是能說多種語言, 則用polyglot:
•The bilingual Chinese interpreted the English scholarly lecture fluently and precisely.
•The polyglot populations of Asia and Africa often find it much easier to learn English than the speech of their nearest neighbors.
7. 「語言學」可用philology。但它主要是指對於語言歷史與發展的研究。如果是涵蓋發音、文法、句子結構等全面的語言探討則應該用linguistics:
•The professor of philology advocated the use of English as an international language.
8. 「字典」除了用dictionary之外,也可用lexicon。另外,「同音異意字」叫homonym:
•No lexicon in the world is complete.
•Never confuse such homonyms as "mail" and "male."
9. 「深入閱讀」、「精讀」叫peruse,「瀏覽」可用browse、scan或skim:
•The manager perused the important letter.
•He spent the whole afternoon browsing among the books in the library.
•The little girl browsed through the book looking for beautiful pictures.
•Many passengers kept scanning newspapers or magazines while waiting for the train.
•If you want to learn how to write, don't skim; read carefully and creatively.
10. 字跡等「可辨識的」叫legible。但其實,它經常與hardly等否定副詞連用,所以到頭來還是等於它的相反詞illegible「不易辨識的」、「難讀的」:
•His handwriting is hardly legible/ almost illegible.
11. 「潦草地寫」、「匆匆地寫」可用scrawl或scribble,寫下來的東西「擦拭不掉的」叫indelible:
•He scrawled a quick note to her on his way out.
•Finding that there were only 10 minutes left for the exam, the student scribbled his composition.
•There is much indelible ink on the paper.
•This is an indelible pencil.
12. 「合著」、「合寫」叫collaborate:
•Two writers collaborated in preparing that textbook.
•Wordsworth and Coleridge collaborated on Lyrical Ballads.