contemptuous/ decry/ depreciate/ despise/ discriminate/ disdain/ disparage/ flout/ overlook/ scornful/ sheer/ snub/ solicitous/ stark/ zero in on
1. 「表示輕視的」、「蔑視的」叫contemptuous,「令人輕視的」可用 scornful:
•The ruler cast a contemptuous look at his subordinate.
•The draft dodger became a scornful butt of his friends.
2. 動詞「輕視」可用decry、depreciate、despise、disdain、disparage或 flout:
•Don't attempt to increase your stature by decrying the efforts of your opponents.
•The director depreciated John's acting ability.
•He does not admire but despises the luxurious life of the upstart.
•Why do you disdain my offer of friendship?
•You have made enemies of all whom you disdain.
•In spite of your disparaging remarks, I think he sings beautifully.
•Don't disparage anyone's contribution; these little gifts add up to large sums.
•She flouted all my offers of help and friendship.
•You've flouted my orders.
•The headstrong youth flouted all authority; he refused to be curbed.
3. 「歧視」用discriminate,「冷落」、「怠慢」、「不理睬」可用snub,「忽視」錯誤或罪行用overlook:
•The law should not discriminate against the disabled.
•Do not snub an old acquaintance like me.
•Such a slight fault can be overlooked.
4. 形容某性質或情況「不折不扣的」、「全然的」可用sheer或stark:
•Columbus' sheer nerve is admirable.
•He won by sheer luck/ determination.
•What he said was stark nonsense.
5. 「表示關切的」可用solicitous(正式),「專注於…」可用片語zero in on:
•It is natural that parents are solicitous for their children's welfare.
•She made a solicitous inquiry after my father's health.
•She immediately zeroed in on the weak point in his argument.
•The teacher feels that nowadays a good number of college students do not zero in on their studies.