complacent/ disgruntled/ fretful/ grievance/ gripe/ grumble/ insatiable/ querulous/ remonstrate/ repine/ sate/ smug
1. 慾望、胃口等「充份滿足」叫sate:
•Its hunger sated, the lion dozed.
2. 慾望、胃口等「不可能滿足的」、「無法滿足的」叫insatiable,褒或貶的情境都適用這個字:
•The boy's thirst for knowledge was insatiable.
•My sister had an insatiable love for music.
•Insatiable greed was the bane of his life.
3. 因不符合期待等而「不滿意的」叫disgruntled。這種不滿有時是正當合理的:
•The passengers were disgruntled by the numerous delays.
4. 「自滿的」、「得意的」可用complacent或smug:
•However many matches a team win, it should never be allowed to get complacent.
•Don't be so complacent now, there's still a long way to your real success.
•The student looked on his own performance with a complacent smile.
•The politician has been leading a life of smug respectability.
5. 文言敘述中的「抱怨」用repine,口語或俚語中的「抱怨」說gripe:
•Though blind and recurrently frustrated, he did not repine.
•The students were griping about the cafeteria food.
6. 小聲但氣憤地抱怨-也就是「發牢騷」-叫grumble,「強烈抗議」叫remonstrate:
•He has everything he needs; he has nothing to grumble about.
•Some workers are grumbling about low wages.
•The inhabitants remonstrated about the lack of police protection in this area.
7. 因自覺受到委屈而引發抱怨,可用名詞grievance:
•Inequitable taxation was the chief grievance of the laboring class.
•She has a very real grievance against the hospital, for the operation ruined her health.
8. 「抱怨的」、「發牢騷的」可用fretful或querulous:
•"Why can't I have another cake?" asked the child in a fretful voice.
•Why is the baby so fretful?
•In this long letter I could find nothing but some repetitive and querulous protests.
•His classmates were repelled by his querulous and complaining statements.
•Her querulous nature estranged many people.