關於單字,我們一定都想過一個問題,就是在閱讀過程中哪些單字需要查?哪些單字可以一時放過?這就是以下所要討論的要點。同時,我也將討論一旦少查單 字之後,要怎樣確保閱讀的精準和扎實。

A. 哪些單字需要查?

1. 一再出現的單字。


2. 關鍵單字。

同樣的,關鍵單字也不一定重要。它們所以關鍵,是就其所在的閱讀情境說的。例如曾獲得諾貝爾文學獎的20世紀美國最偉大小說家William Faulkner,他有一篇叫"A Rose for Emily"的短篇小說,是傳統外文系必讀的,而且四年裡可能不只讀一次。故事中,主角Emily出於她自己認為的不得已原因,決心毒殺摯愛男友Homer。她用什麼進行她的謀殺計畫呢?arsenic-砒霜!不用說,這個字在日常生活中不常用,但在這個故事裡,如果我們不查出arsenic的意思,對於Emily內心世界和故事整體張力的體會就會大打折扣。由此可見,在某種特殊的閱讀情境中,很不常用的單字可能變得關鍵,需要查。此外,當閱讀論述性的文章時,出現在段落主題句(topic sentence)和文章主旨(thesis statement)中的單字通常也很關鍵。

3. 重要單字。

假如有個原本應該是很普通的句子,卻因為卡了一個單字而使重點模糊。不過,句子的整體語意又暗示我們這個單字可能值得學習記憶,這種單字就叫做重要單字。例 如:

I don't like this movie because it is too didactic.

不難相信不認識didactic的人也能從句子的整體語意知道它一定是負面表述的形容詞。但符合這種可能的選項很多,信手拈來就有:沈悶的;冗長的;暴力血腥的;晦澀難懂的;低俗的;煽情的;說教的。在我們還不知道didactic的意思是「說教的」 之前,至少已經確定一件事情,就是它不管對應到以上7個中文詞彙之中的哪一個,都是我們在評論文學藝術時常用的,因此也就值得學習記憶,這就是didactic何以是「重要單字」的原因。另一方面,如果不弄清楚didactic的意思,上面那句話真正的意思就不可得,因此重要單字自然也經常是關鍵單字。需要說明的是,一個單字重要與否有時也和我們閱讀的目的和內容密切相關。例如The old lady is wise, compassionate, and affable(這位老太太有智慧、慈悲且和藹)這句話中的affablecompassionate對某些人來說也許是單字。然而,假如我們閱讀的量很大(例如長篇小說)、時間緊迫(例如考試或報告的deadline在即)或只為賞析文學作品而讀,那麼就不一定要查這兩個字。因為,經由wise和正向連接詞and的暗示,我們知道compassionateaffable同樣都是在描寫老太太的正面特質。假使用反向連接詞but,我們也能知道老太太固然有智慧,但同時也具有兩種負面特質。如果我們不是為學英文而讀或由於時間等因素的考量,了解到這個程度也就夠了。相反的,如果是為學英文而讀,那麼就不只是不認識的字需要查,連前一篇文章提到過的可能誤導閱讀的字都得徹底弄清楚。

B. 哪些單字可以一時放過?


C. 什麼比查單字更重要?

相較於查單字,選擇符合程度的閱讀材料、整理個段落重點和做摘要明顯重要許多,以下將逐一說明。同時,我也將在本文之後附上一個整理段落和摘要的樣本。那是 出自John Collier的短篇小說"The Chaser",表面看來情節很不合邏輯,實則暗藏作者對於愛情被嚴重資本主義化的諷刺和批判。

1. 選擇符合程度的閱讀材料。

我曾有兩個字彙和文法基礎都很弱的家教學生,不約而同地表示他們用以提昇英文能力的讀本是Harry Potter。問起何以選那本書, 理由都是他們看過中譯和電影。我到現在為止也沒有幾個家教學生,其中一個還只是國一,還不可能讀英文版的「哈利波特」。這麼少的人當中就有兩人這麼選,由此可以推知這應該是不少人用以提昇英文的方式。但這是個不切實際的選擇,因為其結果多半不是改善英文,而是測試對「哈利波特」情節的記憶。究竟該選擇有怎樣單字量的讀本和個人的負荷能力與企圖心有關,難有定論。不過,一個段落還沒讀完就出現七、八個單字或者已經讀了七、八段了卻一個單字也沒有的讀本肯定都不是好選擇。

2. 整理個段落重點。

a. 應該用中文還是英文?-中文。不只是整理段落重點,寫摘要也一樣。自我養成寫摘要和整理段落重點的習慣以來,印象中只有一個學期使用英文。訓練英文書寫 能力當然很重要,但這裡恐怕不是個理想的場合,時間很多或在英語國家居住多年、思維模式已經很英文化的人屬於例外。很多時候我們需要在短時間大量閱讀,多數人的中文寫作能力一定也好過英文。基於這兩個原因,我鼓勵用中文。想要訓練英文寫作機會很多,寫日記就是。

b. 隨讀隨記,不用擔心誤讀。為確保記憶的完整精確和避免重新閱讀整篇內容的大量時間花費,我們應該讀到哪裡重點也跟著整理到那裡。讀錯的情況誰都可能發生。畢竟,回頭修正筆記總比因記憶模糊導致得整個重新閱讀要簡單省事。假如是用電腦或手機寫重點,修改更不是問題。

c. 不需要每段都寫。無論哪一種文本-故事性的或議論性的-其內容大略都可分為闡述主題的段落和提供細節與例子的段落。讀者需要整理的,就是闡述主題段落中的重點。因此我們不只不需要每段都記,還可以將好幾個段落合併起來寫成一個重點。

另外,有些議論性的文章為了平衡報導,作者往往會引用和自己意見相左的觀點,像這樣的段落也不應該花太多時間和篇幅寫重點。例如有一篇叫做"Cohabiting Is Not the Same as Commitment"的文章,內容是作者Karen S. Peterson完全呼應學者Stanley的研究結果,主張婚前就與女友同居的美國男士,哪怕最終與那位女友結婚,其對婚姻的忠誠度經常遠不如婚前未曾同居的男人。為了論述的平衡,Peterson在第9-13段提出了異於Stanley的研究結果,例如說某些民調證明,男人事實上比女人更願意結婚、更相信婚姻,或說有女性也認為,反覆嘗試有助婚姻的維繫等等。這篇文章共14段。所以,Peterson用了超過文章1/3的段落數平衡論述。儘管篇幅這麼多,但我們在整理這部份的重點時其實只需要一句話就夠。不只如此,除非是為了學英文,不然碰到類似功能的閱讀內容也應當少查單字、迅速瀏覽。

3. 做摘要。

假如整理段落重點得提綱挈領,做摘要更當省略細節。如果是一整本書,就得每個章節分別寫摘要。重要和關鍵的、你幾乎每次都會深入複習的章節應該力求精簡;次要的、原則上只要讀過一次就可以的部份需要寫得詳細些。儘管是次要章節,但要是摘要過於簡單或甚至略而未寫,時間一久複習我們就會覺得不踏實,並困惑這是當初自己太偷懶,還是這個章節真的很瑣碎。比如Jane Austen的代表作「傲慢與偏見 」Pride and Prejudice。其中第34章我的摘要是這麼寫的:「DarcyElizabeth的 公開求愛和遭拒。」讀過這本書的人都知道這是重要和關鍵的一章。一旦有機會重讀,我們一定希望重溫其中的精彩,因此過於詳細的摘要就不需要。相反的,第9章的內容相對次要,我認為日後可以不需要重讀,所以我的摘要就比較詳細:「Mrs. Bennet前往Bingley家探視Jane。雖明知女兒無礙,卻謊稱她的情況不好,不適合移動。Mrs. Bennet的一言一行又為Bingley姊妹留下許多嘲諷批評的材料。」




The Chaser

John Collier


Alan Austen到一個老人那裡買春藥。這老人賣東西的方式很奇怪,具有神效、肯 定能大賺一筆的春藥,他卻賣得出奇便宜。相反地,很可能乏人問津的所謂「生命清潔劑」他卻賣得極其昂貴,而且分文不得少。當然,這不關Alan的事,買得了便宜貨,他高高興興地走了。


1-2Alan Austen費了點功夫,找到老人的住處。

1. Alan Austen, as nervous as a kitten, went up certain dark and creaky stairs in the neighborhood of Pell Street, and peered about for a long time on the dim landing before he found the name he wanted written obscurely on one of the doors.

2. He pushed open this door, as he had been told to do, and found himself in a tiny room, which contained no furniture but a plain kitchen table, a rocking-chair, and an ordinary chair. On one of the dirty buff-coloured walls were a couple of shelves, containing in all perhaps a dozen bottles and jars.


3. An old man sat in the rocking-chair, reading a newspaper. Alan, without a word, handed him the card he had been given. "Sit down, Mr. Austen," said the old man very politely. "I am glad to make your acquaintance."

4. "Is it true," asked Alan, "that you have a certain mixture that has-er-quite extraordinary effects?"

5. "My dear sir," replied the old man, "my stock in trade is not very large--I don't deal in laxatives and teething mixtures--but such as it is, it is varied. I think nothing I sell has effects which could be precisely described as ordinary."

6. "Well, the fact is..." began Alan.


7. "Here, for example," interrupted the old man, reaching for a bottle from the shelf. "Here is a liquid as colourless as water, almost tasteless, quite imperceptible in coffee, wine, or any other beverage. It is also quite imperceptible to any known method of autopsy."

8. "Do you mean it is a poison?" cried Alan, very much horrified.

9. "Call it a glove-cleaner if you like," said the old man indifferently. "Maybe it will clean gloves. I have never tried. One might call it a life-cleaner. Lives need cleaning sometimes."

10. "I want nothing of that sort," said Alan.

11. "Probably it is just as well," said the old man. "Do you know the price of this? For one teaspoonful, which is sufficient, I ask five thousand dollars. Never less. Not a penny less."


12. "I hope all your mixtures are not as expensive," said Alan apprehensively.


13. "Oh dear, no," said the old man. "It would be no good charging that sort of price for a love potion, for example. Young people who need a love potion very seldom have five thousand dollars. Otherwise they would not need a love potion."


14. "I am glad to hear that," said Alan.

15. "I look at it like this," said the old man. "Please a customer with one article, and he will come back when he needs another. Even if it is more costly. He will save up for it, if necessary."

16. "So," said Alan, "you really do sell love potions?"

17. "If I did not sell love potions," said the old man, reaching for another bottle, "I should not have mentioned the matter to you. It is only when one is in a position to oblige that one can afford to be so confidential."

18. "And these potions," said Alan. "They are not just-just-er--"


19. "Oh, no," said the old man. "Their effects are permanent, and extend far beyond the mere casual impulse. But they include it. Oh, yes they include it. Bountifully, insistently. Everlastingly."

20. "Dear me!" said Alan, attempting a look of scientific detachment. "How very interesting!"

21. "But consider the spiritual side," said the old man.

22. "I do, indeed," said Alan.

23. "For indifference," said the old man, "they substitute devotion. For scorn, adoration. Give one tiny measure of this to the young lady--its flavour is imperceptible in orange juice, soup, or cocktails--and however gay and giddy she is, she will change altogether. She will want nothing but solitude and you."

24. "I can hardly believe it," said Alan. "She is so fond of parties."

25. "She will not like them any more," said the old man. "She will be afraid of the pretty girls you may meet."

26. "She will actually be jealous?" cried Alan in a rapture. "Of me?"

27. "Yes, she will want to be everything to you."

28. "She is, already. Only she doesn't care about it."

29. "She will, when she has taken this. She will care intensely. You will be her sole interest in life."

30. "Wonderful!" cried Alan.

31. "She will want to know all you do," said the old man. "All that has happened to you during the day. Every word of it. She will want to know what you are thinking about, why you smile suddenly, why you are looking sad."

32. "That is love!" cried Alan.

33. "Yes," said the old man. "How carefully she will look after you! She will never allow you to be tired, to sit in a draught, to neglect your food. If you are an hour late, she will be terrified. She will think you are killed, or that some siren has caught you."

34. "I can hardly imagine Diana like that!" cried Alan, overwhelmed with joy.

35. "You will not have to use your imagination," said the old man. "And, by the way, since there are always sirens, if by any chance you should, later on, slip a little, you need not worry. She will forgive you, in the end. She will be terribly hurt, of course, but she will forgive you--in the end."

36. "That will not happen," said Alan fervently.

37. "Of course not," said the old man. "But, if it did, you need not worry. She would never divorce you. Oh, no! And, of course, she will never give you the least, the very least, grounds for--uneasiness."


38. "And how much," said Alan, "is this wonderful mixture?"

39. "It is not as dear," said the old man, "as the glove-cleaner, or life-cleaner, as I sometimes call it. No. That is five thousand dollars, never a penny less. One has to be older than you are, to indulge in that sort of thing. One has to save up for it."

40. "But the love potion?" said Alan.

41. "Oh, that," said the old man, opening the drawer in the kitchen table, and taking out a tiny, rather dirty-looking phial. "That is just a dollar."

42. "I can't tell you how grateful I am," said Alan, watching him fill it.


43. "I like to oblige," said the old man. "Then customers come back, later in life, when they are better off, and want more expensive things. Here you are. You will find it very effective."


44. "Thank you again," said Alan. "Good-bye."

45. "Au revoir," said the man.


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