1.  從語意方面說,recently指不久前才發生的一件事,也可以和until連用,指本來持續的一種狀態到了前些日子才告一段落。就用法上說,除未來式之外,recently 幾乎可用於各種時態,但最常出現在過去式的句子中。用在完成式的recently有時也可以換成lately

•The company recently opened a branch in New York.

•Tom recently bought a secondhand car.

•A new species of bird was recently discovered in Egypt.

•Until recently we had a female doctor. (那位女醫師在不久前已經離開)

•He was until very recently the most powerful banker in the city.

•We lived in Taipei until quite recently. We just recently moved to Tainan.

•The president has recently returned from a tour of South America.

•Howard has recently/ lately been promoted to assistant manager.

•It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the event.

2.  相較於recentlylately的使用就顯得受限許多。語意方面,它描述的是從不久前開始「直到現在」依舊持續或無法持續的某種情況。至於使用時機,它則幾乎只能置於完成式的情境中。

•I've been really busy lately, so I haven't been out much.

•Lately, my wife has had trouble sleeping.

•Dad's health hasn't been too good lately.

•There hasn't been much in the news lately.

•I haven't been feeling so well lately.

•Have you been doing anything interesting lately?

•A: Have you talked to Helen lately? B: Yes, I recently (NOT lately) talked to her.

•Howard has lately/ recently been promoted to assistant manager. The Board recently (NOT lately) promoted him.

•"Have you been to the seashore lately?" "No, we haven't been there lately."

3.  these days是較不正式的用語,通常用於現在簡單式的句子中,描述某種有別於過去的目前趨勢、現象或習慣等,且這種趨勢或習慣可能將繼續一段相當的時間。

•The price of houses is so high these days, so they decide to rent an apartment.

•These days kids grow up so quickly.

•My father used to drive to work every day, but these days he usually rides his bike.

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