A. marry
1. A和B結婚要說A married B或A was (got) to B。被動時這個介系詞to要特別注意。另外,marry可接受詞,也可以不接。
•John married/ was married to/ got married to Mary.
•John married Mary.
•John was married to/ got married to Mary.
•John will marry Mary or nobody. (John非Mary莫娶)
•Mary will marry John or nobody. (Mary非John莫嫁)
•John married late in life. (John晚年才結婚)
•John never married. (John終身未婚)
2. marry還有兩個意思:一是「為…主持婚禮」,二是「把…嫁人」或「為…娶妻」。
•A former teacher married John and Mary.
•John's father married him to Mary.
•Mary's mother married her to John.
B. divorce
1. 和marry一樣,divorce可以用主動與被動,但用被動時的句型是be/ get divorced from。同樣的,它也可以不接受詞。此外,divorce也用來指第三者使夫妻離婚。
•Mary divorced/ was divorced from/ got divorced from John.
•Mary and John divorced (each other) last month.
•The court divorced Mary and John.
2. 動詞之外,divorce也用作名詞。
•Some religions do not allow divorce.
•Mary obtained a divorce after years of domestic violence.
•It is much easier to get a divorce than it used to be.
「訂婚」要以be engaged的方式表達,其後可接介系詞to。
•John and Mary are engaged.
•John is engaged to Mary.
注:「一對怨偶」叫an ill-assorted couple;「一對佳偶」稱a well-assorted couple。