英文中主詞有第一、二、三人稱及單、複數的區別,動詞雖沒有類似區別,卻得隨主詞的人稱或數做字形變化,這就是主動詞的一致(subject-verb agreement)。
當句子的動詞前面出現兩個名詞(代名詞也算),造成動詞選擇的困擾,讓我們無法決定該以哪個名詞(或代名詞)為基準選取動詞,是主動詞一致的癥結所在。事實上,這個問題並不難解決。如果一個(代)名詞符合以下兩個條件之一,我們就要以它為基準選擇動詞的單複數。這兩個條件是:1. 是否為關鍵名詞。2. 是否引發聽者或讀者較多的興趣。以此二者為參考基準,不少主動詞一致的問題都可以解決。以下分別說明:
A. 關鍵名詞:
1. 有些片語同時可以修飾單數和複數名詞,那麼這些被修飾的名詞(不是片語中的名詞)才是決定動詞單、複數的關鍵的所在。也就是說,當這些片語修飾單數名詞時動詞用單數,修飾複數名詞時就用複數。這樣的片語主要包括:
a. all of:
•All of the students have gone on the trip.
•All of the money has been put in the bank.
b. half of:
•Half of the books are written in German.
•Half of the movie was very boring.
c. most of/ part of/ some of/ a lot of/ lots of/ plenty of:
•Most of my high school classmates are in college now.
•Most of his knowledge is obtained from reading books.
•Part of the workers are still on strike.
•Part of the problem lies in education.
•Some of the excitement at a Lakers game occurs off the basketball floor.
•Some of the fans find the movie stars at Lakers games more interesting than the game.
•A lot of/ Lots of/ Plenty of tourists were visiting the museum.
•A lot of/ Lots of/ Plenty of sugar is produced in this island.
d. the majority of:
•The majority of William Wordsworth's poetry concerns nature.
•The majority of Wordsworth's significant poems were composed before 1807.
e. the percentage of:
•The percentage of gainers on the New York Stock Exchange were greater this week than last.
•The percentage of time students now spend on studies is much lower than ever.
f. the rest of:
•John is really generous, but the rest of his siblings are quite stingy.
•I'll eat some bread, and the rest (of it) is for you.
g. 出現分數(1/2, 2/3)時:
•One fifth of the workers do not have their own houses.
•Two thirds of the land belongs to Mr. Wang.
2. 反之,假如修飾名詞的是一個計量單位,例如a pair of、a series of、a set of、a string of、a list of、a collection of等,這時關鍵名詞是這些量詞而不是其修飾的名詞。這個道理也不難理解,想想鞋店賣鞋子是一雙雙還是一隻隻算就知道了。所以,雖然a group of中的group看起來也像量詞,但我們應該把它看成一個修飾複數名詞的片語,意思類似many。首先,我們很少一個group一個group這樣算人或東西。再者,當我們看到一大群人時通常還是會把焦點放在人數,算算看究竟有多少人,所以關鍵名詞是人而不是group。這又是一個文法很多時候還是得回歸邏輯和情理的例子:
•A pair of shoes is left outside the door.
•Three pairs of shoes are left outside the door.
•A series of lectures is scheduled.
•Two series of lectures are scheduled: one for experts and one for laypeople.
•A string of activities is designed to encourage people to communicate directly with each other.
•A list of eligible candidates was posted on the bulletin board.
•A list of the amendments that will be on Tuesday's ballot is on the front page of the morning paper.
•A collection of letters, bills, and advertisements was waiting for me when I finally got back from my tour of Quebec.
•A group of children are playing joyfully in the park.
3. 句子的主詞之後若緊接著一個介系詞片語,這個片語通常修飾主詞,片語中的名詞自然不是關鍵,動詞的單複數依舊取決於當主詞的名詞:
•The price of NBA tickets is high.
•The fans at an NBA game are noisy.
•Monkeys in this national park are a menace to visitors.
•Those hunters with their dog were out of sight.
•The hunter with his dogs was out of sight.
•Nobody but (= except) the stubbornest people insists on the old rules.
4. 主詞之後若有由not或rather than等引導的否定詞,既然是否定詞,它們之後所接的名詞已經被否定掉就應該不是關鍵,動詞的單、複數還是要看否定詞前面的名詞:
•You, not your brother, are to blame for this mistake.
•His works, not the artist, are now on exhibition.
•John, rather than his parents, needs to be responsible for the matter.
5. 句首的There或Here是虛主詞,是虛的當然也不會是關鍵。當句子出現它們時先別著急,繼續往下讀,緊接著be動詞或一般動詞之後的名詞(介系詞片語中的名詞除外)通常就是主詞。若動詞之後的名詞為單數就用單數動詞,複數則用複數動詞:
•There is a men's NBA team in Houston.
•There are two NBA teams in Los Angeles.
•There is in many countries much unrest today. (in many countries是介系詞片語,故countries不是主詞)
•Here is your coffee.
•Here are the tickets you want.
6. 形容詞子句(關係子句)的關係詞who、which或that假如當主詞用,後面的動詞單複數需依子句所修飾的名詞(先行詞)而定。如果先行詞是單數,關係詞後面的動詞也要用單數;先行詞是複數,關係詞後面的動詞也是複數:
•I like people who talk less and do more.
•He has three options, which look equally attractive. (which指options)
•He has three options, which is a good thing. (which指他有三種選項這件事情)
•She is one of those doctors who make house calls.
•Dr. Stephens is one of those professors who lecture in an entertaining way.
•She is the only professor who does what it takes to help her students learn joyfully.
B. 較引起興趣的名詞:either... or..., neither... nor...和not only... but (also)...這3組連接詞,很多文法書和老師都這麼教我們:以比較接近動詞的主詞為準,哪個主詞如果是單數動詞就用單數,是複數動詞就用複數。方法本無好壞,簡單說,能促進學習記憶的方法就是好方法。只是有另外2組連接詞的用法正好和either... or等相反,就是as well as和no less than。假如碰到A as well as/ no less than B的結構,動詞的單、複數卻得取決於較先出現的主詞A。把這2組連接詞和先前3組一起學,硬記它們的用法差別就顯得不牢靠,也就是難保不忘記。所以,我想從哪個主詞較引起興趣的角度幫助學習者記好這幾組連接詞的使用方式。就語言學而言,這個方法自然不夠精準客觀,但如果它可能讓我們更有效地記住這5組連接詞的用法,還是值得參酌。
1. either... or..., neither... nor..., not only... but (also).... 就功能方面說,這3組連接詞之外,還要加上單獨使用的or。本質上這些連接詞前後的名詞位階差不多,說其中一個是關鍵有些牽強,但如果說它們所連接的第二個名詞可能較能引起興趣或被強調。其中最明顯的是not only... but (also)....當我們說某人「不但聰明而且用功」時,表示我們對這個人的這兩種特質同樣佩服,但可能更敬佩他的用功。既然是比較被強調的名詞,動詞的單複數以此為準是可以理解的。理解通過了,硬記硬背就可以避免。這樣的感覺either... or...等較不明顯,但也不是完全沒有。因為當我們說「不是…就是…」的時候,那個「就是…」後面的名詞也許給人更多的好奇和想像,動詞的使用以它為依據也可以成例:
•Either I or you were wrong.
•Either the teacher or the students need to be responsible for the matter.
•Either the students or the teacher needs to be responsible for the matter.
•Either you or she has heard the bell ring.
•Either Paul or his parents were able to attend the meeting.
•Neither you nor she was allowed to leave.
•Neither the soldiers nor the general has eaten anything for 3 days.
•Neither Jack nor I am playing basketball.
•Not only the employer but (also) the employees are very selfish.
•Not only the passengers but also the driver was injured.
•Not only my house but also the neighbors' houses were searched by police.
•John or his sisters are going to attend the meeting.
•Does he or his friends want to go?
上述的最後一例值得稍加說明。如果根據「較引起興趣」的原則,這個句子好像應該寫成Do he or his friends....但是,就如先前所說,這個原則的基礎是一般言語互動的默契而非學理,它的建立動機也只是為了盡可能讓學習者從理解的角度熟悉文法。姑且不論Do he是奇怪的表達,我們只要把句子完全展開,就知道為什麼應該用does了:
•Does he want to go or do his friends want to go?
2. as well as和no less than。A as well as/ no less than B的結構較單純, 因為它們的意思是A之外附帶一提B。既然B只不過是被附帶提出,自然不會是動詞單、複數依循的標準。as well as/ no less than B的前後甚至可以用逗點夾住,也就是即使把這部份的內容刪除也無大礙。所以,「使用這兩組連接詞時先出現的主詞A是動詞單、複數選擇的關鍵」其實是多此一說的:
•The employees as well as the employer are very selfish.
•The driver as well as the passengers was able to get out of the bus before it began to burn.
•You want to borrow money? But I, as well as you, am broke.
•I, no less than you, am involved in this case.
A. one of/ every, each (of)/ either (of)/ neither (of)和many a:
•One of my sisters goes to the market every morning.
•One of the NBA's biggest stars is LeBron James.
•Every day is a new beginning.
•Every boy and every girl loves the teacher.
•Each participant is entitled to a memorial pin.
•Each of the participants is entitled to a memorial pin.
•Each of the NBA players is a well-trained athlete.
•Either way is fine with me.
•Either of the ways is fine with me.
•Neither solution looks attractive.
•Neither of the solutions looks attractive.
•Many a tourist has visited our town this year.
•Many a passenger was free from any injury in this train accident.
B. 不定詞片語、動名詞或名詞子句當主詞時:
•To see her is to love her.
•How to prevent diseases is worth studying.
•To hunt/ Hunting bears is dangerous.
•Smoking is an awful habit.
•That he owns a lot of books does not mean that he has read all of them.
•What I need is your word.
C. 句中有連接詞and的情形:
1. 當and連接兩個名詞做主詞用時,兩個名詞是否都有冠詞往往是動詞單複數的決定關鍵。如果只有第一個名詞前面有冠詞,表示and連接的是同樣的人、事或物,動詞自然用單數;如果兩個名詞前面都有冠詞,表示and連接的項目真的有兩個,動詞就用複數:
•The dancer and singer is beautiful.
•The senator and delegate wants to make an announcement.
•A cup and saucer was placed on the table. (指一組杯具)
•A blue and white shirt is on the floor. (一件衣服,兩種顏色)
•The dancer and the singer are beautiful.
•The senator and the delegate want to make an announcement.
•A cup and a dish were placed on the table. (一個杯子和一個菜盤子個別看待)
•A blue and a white shirt are on the floor. (兩件不同顏色的衣服)
2. 即使and連接的表面上看起來是兩個項目,但如果這兩個項目實質上是一個東西或一件事情,這麼一來,動詞還是得用單數:
•Chocolate and milk is my favorite. (指巧克力牛奶,「一種」飲品)
•Chocolate and milk have both risen in price. (指巧克力和牛奶這「兩種」東西都漲價)
•All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (只知工作不知玩樂「這種」生活模式)
•Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.--Benjamin Franklin (早睡早起「這種」作息)
D. 金錢、時間、距離或其它表示數量的詞,雖然很多時候是複數,但既然是「一個」量,動詞用單數是可以理解的。同時,從這裡我們也不難明白何以在含有定量時間或距離等的句子中會經常出現不定冠詞a或an:
•For that rich girl, two million dollars is only a small sum of money!
•Seven years is a time long enough for a person to achieve something great.
•Five kilometers is not too long a distance to walk in one hour.
•Three pounds of brown sugar is quite enough for now.
E. 許多學科名稱雖然字尾是-ics,但依舊得用單數動詞。不過,統計學statistics如果是指統計數據或統計資料,動詞就要用複數。如果是指單筆資料, 字尾的s也可以去掉,這時動詞當然又得用單數:
•Physics is the study of matter and natural forces.
•Mathematics is difficult for most students.
•Statistics draws heavily on mathematics.
•This statistic is quite accurate.
•These statistics are mostly accurate.
F. news、billiards和measles要接單數動詞:
•The news is very exciting.
•Billiards is a popular game.
•Measles is a contagious disease.
G. 加減乘除的四則運算動詞用單數或複數都可以,但一般用單數:
•Four and four is (are)/ makes (make)/ equals (equal) eight.
•Fifteen minus six equals nine.
•Two times three is six.
•Twelve divided by six is two.
A. 動詞需用複數的情形:
1. a number of:許多文法書在介紹這個片語或限定詞時,幾乎都會同時提到the number of這個用法,然後告訴讀者:a number of後面要用複數動詞,the number of後面用單數,並好心地提醒讀者不要搞錯。可惜的是,許多讀者還是常常搞錯,因為文法書多半會在有意無意之間造成讀者一種印象,就是上述用法是例外、很特別,大家努力記下來就是。然而,無論就語意或語法看,這兩種用法是既不例外也不特別。就語意上說,a number of = many。many後面接複數名詞,複數名詞如果當主詞用就得接複數動詞。如果many books當主詞,後面就得用複數動詞,那麼a numbr of books當主詞時自然也得比照辦理。至於the number of所指的是一個單一的數字,不管它是50、500或5000,就是「一個」數字。一個蘋果、一根香蕉如果當主詞,後面用的就是單數動詞,那麼「一個數字」當主詞後面還是用單數動詞。就語法看,既然a number of是一個片語,我們就不應該只看number這個名詞,何況這個限定詞的功能類似形容詞,被形容的複數名詞才是關鍵,才能決定動詞的單複數是理所當然的。而the number of something其中的of something是介系詞片語,不能決定動詞的單複數(關於這點我們在本單元第一部份已經說過),決定權是真正的主詞number,它是單數,句子的動詞自然用的也是單數:
•A number of passengers were foreigners.
•A number of students were absent from school yesterday.
•The number of passengers was unknown.
•The number of students in this class is 49.
2. cattle(牛群;牲口)和riches(財富)用複數動詞。如果要指牛的頭數,可用head。但不管有多少頭牛,head都不加s:
•Their cattle are taken care of by six cowboys.
•Several (head of) cattle were missing.
•Riches often take wings and fly away.
•Great riches have made him forget who he was.
B. 動詞單、複數皆可的情形:
1. 集合名詞:集合名詞是指由一群人所構成的群體或其中的成員,例如family、committee、public、crew、crowd等。一般來說,如果是指該群體本身,動詞用單數;如果指群體的所有成員,動詞則用複數。例如Her family are all doctors( 她所有的家人都是醫生),補語doctors明確指出這裡說的是所有家人,動詞自然得用複數are。但除了這種情形之外,集合名詞後面該接單數或複數動詞有模糊地帶,也就是很多時候兩者都可以。另外,family指「家人」時沒有複數形,families指的是一個以上的家庭:
•Our family is very large.
•My family has lived in this house for about 50 years.
•My family are all sitting around the round table.
•My family are all asleep.
•Most families have televisions.
•The committee was founded in 1980, so it has quite a bit of history now.
•Our committee meets/ meet again tomorrow afternoon.
•The committee are mostly seated now, and they are impatient to begin.
2. none of:none of可接不可數名詞和可數名詞的複數。接不可數名詞時,動詞自然用單數;接可數名詞的複數時,動詞用單複數皆可:
•None of the meat was left.
•None of the sandwiches was/ were fresh.
3. media、data、bacteria、whereabouts、headquarters:
•The media has/ have been reporting this murder for days.
•This data is/ These data are quite out-of-date.
•Not all bacteria causes/ cause disease.
•The missing child's whereabouts is/ are still unknown.
•The headquarters of our company is/ are in Taipei.
C. 注意damage和damages的不同。damage的意思是「損害」,不可數名詞; damages是「賠償金」,複數的可數名詞:
•The damage caused by the typhoon was not very serious.
•The damages asked by the victim's family were quite high.
在結束本文之前,讓我來說個原本不該說的秘密。關於主詞與動詞的一致問題,我們首先得記得碰到cattle和riches時動詞得用複數,並心領神會像either... or...、 not only... but also...等成套連接詞的動詞使用原則,這麼之後要是在考試時依舊出現難以抉擇的情況,賭單數的勝算會明顯比賭複數高。不過,這是個不得已時的權宜訣竅,請大家千萬不要擴大使用喔!