A. 修飾語沒有主詞可以修飾。
1. 分詞構句:這是最常見的情況,這種修飾語叫做dangling modifier。寫作時,當我們用現在分詞或過去分詞開始一個句子時要特別小心,因為在這種情況下很容易出現dangling modifier。要避免這種錯誤,寫完整個句子之後應該暫時忽略分詞片語,先看看逗點之後那個完整句子的主詞是什麼。接著再回頭檢視片語,確認片語中被省略的主詞和完整句的主詞是否一致。如果不一樣,這個片語就成了dangling modifier。解決方式有兩種:(1) 把分詞片語還原成句子,賦予它真正的主詞。(2) 修改完整句的主詞,讓它和分詞片語中被省略的主詞一致。簡單說,「主詞相同」是分詞構句的先決條件和必要條件。
x: Without knowing his name, it was difficult to introduce him.
分詞構句(寫成完整句時是副詞子句)中有個人因為不知道某人的名字 所以無法介紹他,但主要子句的主詞卻是虛主詞it,分詞片語於是成了 dangling modifier。如果採用第一種方式解決,句子會變成:
*: Because I did not know his name, it was difficult to introduce him.
*: Without knowing his name, I found it difficult to introduce him.
*: Without knowing his name, I had difficulty introducing him.
*: I, without knowing his name, found it difficult to introduce him.
*: I, without knowing his name, had difficulty introducing him.
x: After reading the original study, the article remains unconvincing. (前面是人,後面是article,前後主詞不一致)
*: After reading the original study, I find the article unconvincing.
*: I, after reading the original study, find the article unconvincing.
x: Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, your home should be a place to relax. (you和home主詞不同)
*: Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, you should be able to relax at home.
*: You, relieved of your responsibilities at your job, should be able to relax at home.
x: Walking down the street, the trees were beautiful.
*: Walking down the street, the man saw the beautiful trees.
x: Looking through the telescope, the moon seemed enormous.
*: As I looked at the moon through the telescope, it seemed enormous.
*: Looking through the telescope, I felt that the moon seemed enormous.
*: Looked through the telescope, the moon seemed enormous. (前後都用moon當主詞)
x: Having been thrown in the air, the dog caught the stick.
*: When the stick was thrown in the air, the dog caught it.
因為這個句子中的stick出現兩次,所以我們也可以用關係子句引導第二次出現的stick,然後進一步省掉不重要的關係代名詞that/ which和be動詞was:
*: The dog caught the stick (that/ which was) thrown in the air.
x: The experiment was a failure, not having studied the lab manual carefully.
*: The experiment failed, for they had not studied the lab manual carefully.
*: They failed the experiment, not having studied the lab manual carefully.
*: Not having studied the lab manual carefully, they failed the experiment.
x: When working with power tools, eyes should be protected.
*: When working with power tools, protect your eyes.
*: Protect your eyes when you use power tools.
*: When working with power tools, we should protect our eyes.
2. 以不定詞片語或As(身為…;做為…)開始句子的情形:
x: To improve his results, the experiment was done again.
*: To improve his results, the student did the experiment again.
*: The student, to improve his results, did the experiment again.
*: The student improved his results by doing the experiment again.
x: As a disabled woman, her achievement was great.
*: As a disabled woman, she achieved greatly.
*: She, as a disabled woman, achieved greatly.
B. 修飾語修飾的對象不夠明確。
1. 即使分詞構句沒有前後主詞不一致的問題也不能大意。例如當句子是主詞+動詞+受詞時,我們得確實弄清楚分詞片語究竟要修飾誰。修飾主詞就放在句首,後面加逗點,修飾受詞就直接放在受詞後面。
例1. x: The man killed a good friend, awfully enraged.
在修飾語的各種問題當中,這是最容易解決的。某人被惹毛了,所以把好友給殺了。毫無疑問地,修飾語awfully enraged應該修飾的是主詞The man而不是受詞a good friend。因此,只要把awfully enraged移到句首,後加逗點,修改就告完成:
*: Awfully enraged, the man killed a good friend.
例2. x: She left the room fuming.
*: Fuming, she left the room.
*: She left the fuming room.
例3. x: Hopping briskly through the vegetable garden, I saw a toad.
*: I saw a toad (that/ which was) hopping briskly through the vegetable garden.
2. 主詞+動詞+受詞的句子中如果有介系詞片語,它的位置也不能隨便。假如修飾主詞就得置於句首,後面通常會加逗點,如果修飾受詞則放在受詞後面(通常是句末)。
x: At the back of the refrigerator, I noticed a yellow apple.
*: I noticed a yellow apple at the back of the refrigerator.
x: You can find some oranges in the bag that I bought.
我們知道關係子句得盡可能放在所修飾之名詞(先行詞)後面。所以,這裡的關係子句that I bought應該放在oranges後面,放在bag後面明顯不好。
x: You can find some oranges that I bought in the bag.
這樣寫好一些,至少關係子句的位置對了。但新的問題來了。柳丁和所放的地方被分開了,何況這個可以算是地方副詞的介系詞片語in the bag跟動詞find(在哪裡找到)的關係也比跟另一個動詞bought密切。假如英文中找不到面面俱到的解決方法,上面的句子就可以成例。不過,有的。只要把介系詞片語放到句子最前面,問題就解決:
*: In the bag, you can find some oranges that I bought.
3. 以As'''為句首的介系詞片語只能修飾主詞:
x: As strategies to address domestic violence, the government did not emphasize them sufficiently.
*: As strategies to address domestic violence, they were not sufficiently emphasized by the government.
C. 形容詞(不能是副詞)也可以放在句首,後加逗點,形成主詞補語,修飾主詞(不能修飾受詞)。例如:
*: Proud, calm, and fearless, he took his final destiny--death.
*: He was proud, calm, and fearless when he took his final destiny--death.
*: Surprised but joyful, Jane accepted Bingley's proposal. (= Jane felt surprised but joyful when she accepted Bingley's proposal.)
x: Unable to pass the exam, John's father scolded him.
*: Unable to pass the exam, John was scolded by his father. (= Because he was unable to pass the exam, John was scolded by his father.)