相信很多人都知道要用英文表示「付」所買東西的錢要用pay for。例如pay for the book/ for these vegetables/ for the fruit等等。但是,看看下面兩個句子:
•I have to pay for the service.
•I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal.
•If you want to go to London, I will pay the traveling expenses.
•Let me pay the bill this time.
•He broke a traffic rule and had to pay a fine.
•The landlord reminded me that it's time to pay the rent.
•How much income tax do you pay?
要釐清pay與pay for的用法並不困難。對於我們買的或享用的東西就得有for。我們可以把它想成那是因為我們為了(for)某種東西、享受或服務而付錢(pay)。至於bill, rent, tax, expenses等都是「錢」的概念,只不過沒有明白說出是多少而已,其實它的道理就好像pay 5000 dollars一樣,自然不需要for。bill(帳款)等是要給出去的,不是拿來享受的,所以不用for。也就是說,我們pay for所享用的餐點或服務。bill不是我們享用的東西,而是一種面對消費結果和事實的提醒,如何能pay for呢?